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2040 E. Fairview Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642     208-887-4906

Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So

Perfect Timing

By the Lord's providence I had just gone through a basic first-aid training course at school (4th grade) and little did I know that I was going to use it – soon.

We were attending a church function one evening and my mom had decided to stop afterward at a friend’s new home under construction nearby to see how it was coming along. My siblings and I waited in the car. It was already dusk, and the property did not have lights. 

Proclaiming Jesus

I was out of my element and, boy, did I feel it! It was the summer of 1994 and I was walking from a bus terminal in the heart of New York City, wearing a military-issue backpack and convinced I’d get mugged. I was stationed at Fort Dix, N.J., and was taking the bus home to visit family in upstate New York. There was a layover, so I went for a stroll.

On a busy sidewalk I heard someone yelling, “And His hair was like wool! Who has hair like wool? Black people do!” I was intrigued.

Sammy's Birth

In 1991, I was in the operating room for Sammy’s birth via C-section. There had been many hours of labor but only 3 centimeters of dilation. My husband Tom was with me while our son Huddy, 21 months old, was staying at Grandma’s. Finally, Sammy was born and weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. 

Saved By Grace, Or Not Saved?

Even as a young boy, I believed in God and heaven, but I wasn’t sure that heaven was where I would go after I died. If I didn’t hear anything else in Sunday school, I most certainly heard John 3:16 over and over again, “…that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” But I wasn’t sure what it meant to believe. 

Strengthened Faith

My husband Nazario was working at a company as a team lead. He hated his job but it paid well, so he stuck with it. In the fall of 2022, several people at his job did not like Nazario and were trying to get him fired. Long story short, they fabricated a story and without evidence fired him on January 7, 2023. At the time, it felt like our whole world had collapsed.

The Big Picture

God sees the big picture and knows what’s best for His children. Always.

This story of God’s grace occurred 50 years ago. I was about to graduate from high school and was praying about which college to attend. I narrowed my choices to Oregon State University, Pacific University, and the University of Hawaii. 

The Bottomless Bank Account

During a rough time in my life around 2008-2009, God visibly showed up and managed my bank account for me. At the time, I was making $16/hour and had a $1,000/month mortgage, a car payment, a student loan payment, plus all the other regular household expenses.

Let’s do the math:

About $2,090 (after taxes, insurance, 401(k) contribution, any other deductions)