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2040 E. Fairview Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642     208-887-4906

However Faint, However Small

Alight! Alight! O little flame

Kindled for His holy Name.

Quickened by the Spirit’s call

However faint, however small.


He addeth to thee happy days,

Little flames to join in praise.

Perfect gifts to show His grace

Diffuse rays of His embrace.


Jealous that thou seek His face

Jealous for thy growth in grace.

He takes according to His ways,

A little gift from thy embrace.


To the cross, to the cross! To keepeth hot

And burn away indwelling rot.

No trial He brings on thee for naught

What marvelous works His hands have wrought.


He purifies through pain of loss,

To wipe away thy sinful dross.

With nail-pierced hands doth He thee clench,

Thy smoking flax He will not quench.


Too oft returning to the mire

Easily tempted with strange fire.

Never subject to His ire

He keepeth thee by His desire.


Still beset with iniquity

His blood secures thy surety.

Thou burneth still within the squall,

However faint, however small.


He is gracious! He is gracious! He keeps thee lit

Never, ever to dread the pit.

Thy light procured, shall never fall

However faint, however small.


Once weak and dull upon the trim

Soon radiant ‘fore the diadem.

Effulgent in His regal hall

Soon with the Son, once and for all.

– John Buckner

John Buckner