He Knew Me
“Depart from me; I never knew you” are words that will reverberate for all eternity for those the Lord does not “know.” Pretty scary, right?
I have three agnostic relatives who “want to believe,” but are self-described “critical thinkers.” They think if there were a God, they would be able to know Him using their reasoning. They don't think the Bible has the authority to speak of One who is love and “...demands my soul, my life, my all.” They also believe the Bible was written by man and is full of errors, so no one can know anything about anything, even us “deluded” Christians.
But our search for eternal truth and life cannot stop there! I have looked into the “5 I’s” of our biblical belief (inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, immutability, incorruptibility), and I'm totally on board with the Bible being what it says it is – a perfectly preserved “Creator's manual” for approaching Him (yet never fully knowing Him) and the ultimate authority in my life. In it, I've found His unlimited grace and mercy for those who run to Him, not from Him (Psalm 103:12 Micah 7:19).
I'm glad He is bigger than my imaginings and loves me though intimate with my failings, my “...risings and layings down... such knowledge is too wonderful...” (Psalm 139:2-6).
Agreeing with David and God that this is “wonderful,” I wrote a song expressing my musings on Psalm 139, particularly verses 13 “For You have possessed (acquired) my heart, and weaved me intricately in my mother's womb,” 14 “...I am fearfully and wonderfully made... that my soul knows exceedingly well,” and 17 “How precious also are Your thoughts unto me...”
I will NEVER fully know God, but I'm glad He knows me!
Lord, I'm glad that You know me, You formed me in the womb;
You, who knit me secretly, there's nothing You've not known.
Lord, I'll never understand, such knowledge is too grand;
You who search the heart of man, it's by Your grace I stand.
Lord, I'm glad that You know me, that You know I tend to stray;
Knowing this You shed Your blood to be my only “Way.”
I will worship You and bow before Your Name!
Thanks to You it’s really true, by Your grace my soul remains.
From the womb, You knew my name.
Lord, I’ll trust Your plan for me to do the things You say,
Watching, waiting, patiently, for Your return one day.
Lord, I'm glad You realize my best efforts fall way short;
Knowing this You shed Your blood, which overwhelms my heart.
How could I keep silent? How could I refrain?
How could I not praise your name or worshiping restrain?
I was formed to praise Your name... You who knit me secretly.
From the womb, You knew my name.
– Bob H.