God's Hand On My Life
I never realized how long God had His gracious hand on my life, until now at 85 I can
look back and revel in all that He has done!
As a young girl I was invited to a lady’s home for a “Five-Day Club.” She taught Bible verses with flannelgraphs and first taught me that Jesus loved me. At the age of 12, I was in a church that taught that hell was a real place and unrepentant sinners would end up there. By God’s grace my parents and I attended a “revival tent meeting” in Boise and I heard that I didn’t need to go to hell because Jesus had died for me! From that point on, I wanted to know more of Jesus.
At age 16, my sister and I attended a Bible study for women in downtown Boise and I had the opportunity to study and grow in His Word. In high school I met the love of my life, and after graduation Alan and I were married in 1956. He was a new believer and I had a little more knowledge because of the Bible studies God had led me to.
We looked for a church where the Bible was taught and God led us to Westside Bible Church in 1958. On Easter Sunday, we walked into this little body of believers in a little building with old theater seats! Through the excellent Bible teaching of faithful brothers, Alan became an elder and we have had the privilege to serve the Lord at Westside for 60-plus years.
Westside is now in a newer building and growing strong because teaching the truth of God’s Word is the first priority. Alan went to be with the Lord in 2018 and God’s grace has sustained me day after day by showing me how I can still serve Him!
– Shirley Kester