God Gives More Grace To The Simple (Part 1)
What happens when a foolish and naïve country boy impulsively joins the Navy? Even if he is a believer, the outlook is not promising. Suddenly, he will find himself in the company of a lot of young men who want to impress one another with their “manliness” by smoking, drinking, cussing, and telling stories of their sexual exploits. Except for the grace of God, he is likely to follow their ways down a road of sin.
That was the precarious situation in which I found myself after I joined the Navy in November of 1957. If not for the grace of God, who knows how I might have destroyed my life?
God was so gracious to me and provided what I needed. After boot camp, I found a pretty good church which I attended for a few weeks, but no one took me under their wing to encourage and disciple me. I didn’t even know that I needed better, close fellowship with other believers, but God knew.
Things changed one night after church when I was returning to my base at North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego. I was riding on the “Nickel Snatcher,” a ferry that carried only passengers, and I was carrying only my Bible. After a few minutes and seeing my Bible, two sailors came over and asked me some questions to learn if I was a true believer in Jesus. I soon found that they were true believers, too, and were involved with the ministry of the Navigators, a parachurch organization that works with people in the military and colleges to disciple young believers and encourage them to grow in the faith.
Apparently, my answers to their questions satisfied them that I was “born again,” so they invited me to go with them to the local Navigator home where I was strengthened in the faith. After that, I fellowshipped with the Navigators – memorizing Scripture verses and participating in Bible studies – most weekends until I was sent to Oklahoma for more training. God had graciously given me just what I needed just when I needed it.
That’s how the God of all grace led a foolish and naïve young sailor to find the Christian fellowship he needed so badly.
– Lee Swift