Strengthened Faith
My husband Nazario was working at a company as a team lead. He hated his job but it paid well, so he stuck with it. In the fall of 2022, several people at his job did not like Nazario and were trying to get him fired. Long story short, they fabricated a story and without evidence fired him on January 7, 2023. At the time, it felt like our whole world had collapsed.
At first, Nazario tried to find a job at a hospital in Houston but nobody was hiring. After two months of applying and waiting, he decided it was time to start looking elsewhere. I agreed. His first search was in Boise since he knew I would love to live near my sister. Lo and behold, there was a job opening at St Luke’s. Nazario applied and told me to begin looking for teaching jobs in the Boise area.
The next day, Nazario got a call for an interview. Before the interview, we prayed that if God wanted us to move to Boise, Nazario would get the job. But if He wanted us to go somewhere else, He would close that door. One day after the interview, Nazario was offered the job. We were in shock!
Nazario was stressed about moving his entire family across the country. As we were praying again, I got a phone call requesting an interview for the one school at which I had applied for a job. One week later, I was hired. We were moving to Boise!
Once we realized how our future was about to change, we started planning our move. Nazario would drive to Boise on March 28 and we would join him in June. We couldn’t afford to rent two places, so we prayed that Nazario would find an inexpensive option. God provided for us when Craig and Janine Sonoda offered Nazario a room for free.
Being separated for two and a half months was the hardest thing we have ever done. Nazario struggled with being away from us, while I struggled with parenting three children, packing up our home, and continuing to work. At one point I had an emotional breakdown from the stress. I reached out to our church in Houston and immediately meals were set up for two weeks. A wonderful woman also offered to come over once a week to be extra hands and feet to care for my children and home. I know I would not have survived the separation without our church family.
When the time came to pack and move our belongings, an astounding number of people from church came to help load the U-Haul. People I had never met showed up. I was humbled by the exhibition of Christ’s love.
This change has been difficult, but it has strengthened our faith in God. We are so thankful for God being the One who is in control and He has a wonderful plan for us.
– Hannah Rodriguez