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2040 E. Fairview Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642     208-887-4906

Sammy's Birth

In 1991, I was in the operating room for Sammy’s birth via C-section. There had been many hours of labor but only 3 centimeters of dilation. My husband Tom was with me while our son Huddy, 21 months old, was staying at Grandma’s. Finally, Sammy was born and weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. 

Immediately following delivery, the doctor asked us, “One of the ovaries is double in size. Do you give us permission to remove it for biopsy?” We said, “Of course, yes.” During the three-day hospital stay, the doctor reported that it was found to be cancerous with dysgerminoma, a less common type of ovarian cancer. Possibly, were this a normal birth, the enlarged ovary would not have been discovered. 

The cancer appeared to be contained. However, the doctor recommended that in five weeks the other ovary and some lymph nodes be biopsied. We did that and they were found to be clear of cancer. Neither chemo nor radiation was needed.

For me, a mom of a special-needs son and a newborn, this was a major relief, to put it mildly. The remaining three-quarters ovary was not removed. This allowed another pregnancy 6 years later, resulting in our precious son Aaron. 

The Lord protected me in His hand without my knowing at the time what He was doing! In the stressful weeks awaiting the biopsy surgery I leaned on Isaiah 43:1b-2: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.”

– Liz Anthony

Liz Anthony