Listening To God's Voice
Choices. We make them every day. It can be as simple as deciding what you want for breakfast or as big as giving your life to Christ. Whatever the choice, I believe Christ is always one step ahead!
There was one particular day when I made the choice to stop and listen and the Lord protected my son and me! I picked up Hudson from school and was driving home. I was waiting at a red light about to make a left-hand turn. Once my light turned green, everything became silent, and I heard a still small voice telling me to WAIT! It gave me the chills, especially when, a moment later I realized if I had ignored the voice, Hudson and I would have been in a serious car accident as a vehicle flew through the red light, crossing the intersection right where our car would’ve been. I believe we would have lost our lives.
Earlier in the day, before this near-death incident, I was meditating on Christ as “I Am the Door.” He made a way for salvation, but we have the choice and opportunity to stop, listen to His voice and walk through the door. Christ was also one step ahead when He said He was making a way for not only Jews but for Gentiles, just as He was one step ahead, knowing a car would be running a red light going full speed.
Praise God for His protection over His children! And may we learn to have an open ear and heart to His voice and calling in our lives.
– Lizzy H.