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2040 E. Fairview Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642     208-887-4906

Answered Prayer For The Perfect Pet

Over the years my husband and I loved having many dogs as pets. We were going through a very difficult time and our family dog had died several years earlier. I suggested to my husband that a dog would bring us lots of love, joy, and diversion from all his health needs and being homebound because of the paralysis.

He said, “Oh no, honey, you have too much to do taking care of me.” 

I said, “But dogs make us smile and they can be such good buddies.”

In the meantime, our daughter was looking online for a dog for us but none fit the criteria. We wanted a small dog that didn’t shed or bark too much. 

So I decided to pray and ask the Lord to bring us a dog…just the one that would meet our needs. I was trusting that He would know what was best.


I often walked in our neighborhood when my husband was resting. One day in August I came to a park where a man was holding a little dog. He asked me if it was mine. I told him it wasn’t but it sure was a cute little thing. The man said it had wandered into his yard and he’d been trying to find the owner. 

I told him I’d been praying for a dog. He looked at me strangely, then said he’d bring it to my house if no one claimed it. Several hours later, the doorbell rang and there was the man and his wife with the little dog! I had them come in and show the dog to my husband. The man thanked us for taking the dog and left. 

I thought God did a miracle for us. What a cute dog. My husband was sure someone would come by and claim her, but no one did! After taking her to the vet, we discovered she was a Yorkie Poodle and barely a year old.  She didn’t shed, she wasn’t a barker, and she never made a mess in the house! We named her Missy, because surely someone was missing this dog. Instead, she became our gift from God that brought us so much joy and love!

– Teresa McFadyen

Teresa McFadyen